This tour can be either trekking or mountain biking, and runs between 3 days depending on the selection of places to visit.
The average height of these areas is between 2500 and 3000 meters.
The average daily temperature is between 10 and 20 and at night between 5 and 10 degrees Celsius.

If you want, all camping equipment, such as sleeping bags, tents, as well as bicycling equipment such as professional mountain bikes, helmet , shoes, gloves, etc. are available to tourists.

In these tours, based on physical ability, their interest in visiting different regions and weather conditions, various activities can be carried out and routes can be reduced or increased. It should be noted that to visit the mountain peaks located in areas for at least 2 days, the main program is added.

For details and the full itinerary, please contact us by email or by phone with whatsapp.
Whatsapp No.: +98 913 951 6835